Does anyone have a handy script for exporting delimited email messages from
Clais Emailer 2.0? I have one that moves mail from Outlook 5.0 to a
Hypercard stack, but I can't seem to modify it to work with Emailer. I might
need to start from scratch, or maybe a just don't know how to swap out the
Dictionary terminology to make it work. Here's my custom script to get
Outlook mail to the HC stack:

tell application "Outlook Express"
    set countExpInbox to "0"
    set countExpSentmail to "0"
    set countSizeExceeded to "0"
    set myMessages to every message in folder "Inbox"
    repeat with currentMsg in myMessages
        --set popAcct to name of account of currentMsg
        set popAcct to "" as string
        set senderAddr to address of sender of currentMsg
        set msgSubject to subject of currentMsg
        set senderName to display name of sender of currentMsg
        set msgContent to content of currentMsg
        set timeSent to time sent of currentMsg
        tell application "HyperCard"
            -- activate
            set failedFlag to false
                do script "go to stack Winterland:Files:MLG/Secretary"
                -- do script "set lockscreen to TRUE"
                do script "domenu new card"
                set background field id 6 to msgSubject
                set background field id 4 to timeSent as string
                do script "send closeField to background field ID 4" --
converts to abbr date and puts secs into hidden field
                set background field id 1 to "From: " & senderAddr & " <" &
senderName & ">" & return & "Date: " & timeSent ¬
                    & return & "To: " & "mbossiere@" & popAcct & return &
"Subject: " & msgSubject & return & return & msgContent
                set background field id 7 to "mbossiere@" & popAcct
                set background field id 9 to senderAddr
                do script "set the hilite of background button Email to
            on error
                do script "domenu Delete card"
                set failedFlag to true
            end try
            -- do script "set lockscreen to FALSE"
        end tell
        if failedFlag is true then
            move currentMsg to folder "HC-Exceeded 30K (Inbox)"
            set countSizeExceeded to (countSizeExceeded + 1)
            move currentMsg to folder "HC-Exported (Inbox)"
            set countExpInbox to (countExpInbox + 1)
        end if
    end repeat
    set myMessages to every message in folder "Sent Items"
    repeat with currentMsg in myMessages
        set popAcct to "" as string
        set recipAddr to address of recipient 1 of currentMsg
        set msgSubject to subject of currentMsg
        set senderName to display name of sender of currentMsg
        set msgContent to content of currentMsg
        set timeSent to time sent of currentMsg
        tell application "HyperCard"
            -- activate
            set failedFlag to false
                do script "go to stack Winterland:Files:MLG/Secretary"
                -- do script "set lockscreen to TRUE"
                do script "domenu new card"
                set background field id 6 to msgSubject
                set background field id 4 to timeSent as string
                do script "send closeField to background field ID 4" --
converts to abbr date and puts secs into hidden field
                set background field id 1 to "From: " & "mbossiere@" &
popAcct & return & "Date: " & timeSent ¬
                    & return & "To: " & address of recipAddr & return &
"Subject: " & msgSubject & return & return & msgContent
                set background field id 7 to address of recipAddr
                set background field id 9 to "mbossiere@" & popAcct
                do script "set the hilite of background button Email to
            on error
                do script "domenu Delete card"
                set failedFlag to true
            end try
            -- do script "set lockscreen to FALSE"
        end tell
        if failedFlag is true then
            move currentMsg to folder "HC-Exceeded 30K (Sent Mail)"
            set countSizeExceeded to (countSizeExceeded + 1)
            move currentMsg to folder "HC-Exported (Sent Mail)"
            set countExpSentmail to (countExpSentmail + 1)
        end if
    end repeat
    -- display dialog countExpInbox & " incoming emails exported." & return
& countExpSentmail & " sent emails exported."
    display dialog (countExpInbox + countExpSentmail) & " messages
exported." as text
end tell