At 12:20 pm -0800 16/1/06, Brian Johnson wrote:

>This last digest has lots of food for thought! To start digesting, I 
>copied and pasted Shane's script to a new file, saved it as a .scpt, 
>dropped it innto my scripts folder, and ran it. Works great, except 
>the postscript opens into Apple's TextEdit rather than Preview. The 
>file _is_ postscript, but the name ends in .txt. Obviously, TextEdit 
>renders it as text, so it's not terribly useful. I checked -- 
>/Applications/ exists, so how's it getting ahold of 

That's very odd. On my system it saves pdfs to /tmp

set _manpage to quoted form of text returned of Â
	(display dialog "Command to man:" default answer "")
do shell script "man -t " & _manpage & " | open -f -a preview"

Since -t means groff -Tps and that means PostScriptoutput 
(postprocessor isgrops) among all sorts of other creatures, I can't 
see how you're getting a .txt output, and Preview is the only app in 
a standard installation that will open a PostScript file.

Here are the files created when I run the script:

Eremita:/private/tmp/PreviewTemp.y2SQEc jd$ ls

What I'd like is to have the files named to reflect the name of the 
man pages I'm reading rather than reminding me of Microsoft get-in 

You might try this instead, which does use useful names:

set x to text returned of Â
   (display dialog "Command to man:" default answer "")
do shell script Â
   "cd /tmp;man -t " &x& " > " &x& ".ps; open -a preview " &x& ".ps"