At 12:57 pm -0800 16/1/06, Paul Berkowitz wrote:

>But its file name displayed in the Preview title bar
>does end in .pdf, viz
>Quite a file name. No idea where it's located, Even Spotlight can't find it.

I wrote in my last message where it is, but that's only where Preview 
decides to create it; other apps will save it in different locations.

echo sometext | open -f
echo sometext | open -f -a textedit
echo sometext | open -f -a bbedit

>Perhaps it has only a "virtual" reality (i.e. it's an unsaved document):

It is STDOUT piped to STDIN

>Preview is an app that shows a file's path hierarchy when you click on the
>title bar...It must be an unsaved document, although Preview itself 
>is a read-only app.

It is not an unsaved document, and if you run the scripts above you 
will be able to see where BBEdit or TextEdit saves the docs:

Eremita:/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems jd$ ls