>Yes, i am starting to gather some really good  ones.

the best that i found is  The FrenchPod Class, I found 
www.chiliPodcast from the University of Chili.... The China Podcast 
is also excellent but it does cost a little to down load all of the 
files.... I investigate this each day.....   Also we are starting to 
use TOEFL for English as a Second Language.....
Let me know if I can be of more help to you.

I am simply investigating sites and passing the information on to 
teachers. They can or cant use them as they see fit......

Ralph Schultz
Language Technology Specialist
University of Virginia

>Recently my boss came to me with the idea that we should be using 
>Pod casts as audio resources for our foreign language departments. 
>We were visualizing being able to put together a system so that for 
>each language there are a few pod casts we subscribe to, and for 
>each pod cast we would maintain a small archive of, say, the latest 
>5 casts, for the students to download and listen to. I was wondering 
>if anybody else was using pod casts in a similar way in their 
>language departments and how you have it set up. Thank you.
>Alison Sommer
>Culpeper Language Center Director
>Gustavus Adolphus College
>Saint Peter, MN

 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning, and The Consortium for Language Teaching and
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Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])