--- Forwarded Message from "Ross, Andrew" <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Subject: RE: #8043 Audio Recording
>Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 15:49:55 -0400
>Thread-Topic: #8043 Audio Recording
>Thread-Index: AcXUGEmOPFSSLL/fRmGCVgaz/LbGuAAAclNA
>From: "Ross, Andrew" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum"   
<[log in to unmask]>

Hi, John:

I can offer an opinion on one of the apps you mention below, which is
actually two of the items on your list.  I've used CoolEdit Pro for a
number of years now, and like it very much.  So did Adobe, which bought
Syntrillium (CoolEdit's manufacturer), and rebranded CoolEdit as
Audition.  The plug-ins for audio cleanup and dynamics processing were
excellent, and easy to use.  

Re: ADS Red Rover ... there are a lot of inexpensive USB audio
input/output converters and preamps on the market.  We use M-Audio's
MobilePre, which has XLR and phantom power for decent mics, simple
controls and USB 2.0 input.  If you're inputting directly to a computer,
the applications you mention below will all handle some of the gain and
echo issues you're referring to, as long as those settings are
established prior to the start of a session.  An I/O box like the
MobilePre will generally have simple controls for gain, so you can avoid
clipping while recording and adjust the input level as needed.  More
expensive preamps will allow you to tweak the dynamics in mid-session,
but if you're doing voice work, and have run a test session, you likely
won't need that.  I'm not sure why you'd need a hardware controller for
your software, like Red Rover, unless you're recording yourself and
running back and forth from computer to mic.  And then, that's what
post-production editing's for ...

I hope this helps -- please feel free to contact me offlist if I've not
been clear, or if you'd like more information.



Andrew F. Ross, Ph.D
Director, Language Resource Center
Brown University
Box 1935
Providence, RI 02912-1935
Tel: (401) 863-7010
Mobile: (401) 641-0329
"Worrying about a large institution, especially when it has computers,
is like worrying about a large gorilla, especially when it's on fire."
- Bruce Sterling

-----Original Message-----
From: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of LLTI-Editor
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 3:12 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: #8043 Audio Recording

Hello List,


We do a fairly large amount of recording and audio streaming.

We have a small studio that is pretty much sound proof.  We have a
couple of microphones in the booth that connect to a mixing console with
a reel to reel tape and a cassette recorder.  We have been digitizing
the cassettes using a tape player connected to a PC.


Recently we tried using a hand held digital voice recorder and that
worked well for the people we recorded.  It didn't work well from my
point of view in that I had to make numerous adjustments to the volume
as well as remove some echo from the wma files.  


I would like to be able to adjust the sound inputs before/during
recording and then take the digital file and edit it on the computer;
avoiding the tedious process of digitizing the cassette tape all


Does anyone know much about or have an opinion on:

1.	ADS Red Rover - Remote Control and
2.	Adobe Audition
3.	Syntrillium Cool Edit Pro 2.0
4.	Cakewalk SONAR Studio
5.	Producer Edition 4.0.2




Thank you,






John Niendorf

Director, Foreign Language Media Center

Purdue University

Stanley Coulter Hall 220



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Subject: ADS Red Rover Remote Control
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Hello List,


We do a fairly large amount of recording and audio streaming.

We have a small studio that is pretty much sound proof.  We have a
couple of microphones in the booth that connect to a mixing console with
a reel to reel tape and a cassette recorder.  We have been digitizing
the cassettes using a tape player connected to a PC.


Recently we tried using a hand held digital voice recorder and that
worked well for the people we recorded.  It didn't work well from my
point of view in that I had to make numerous adjustments to the volume
as well as remove some echo from the wma files. =20


I would like to be able to adjust the sound inputs before/during
recording and then take the digital file and edit it on the computer;
avoiding the tedious process of digitizing the cassette tape all


Does anyone know much about or have an opinion on:

1.	ADS Red Rover - Remote Control and
2.	Adobe Audition
3.	Syntrillium Cool Edit Pro 2.0
4.	Cakewalk SONAR Studio
5.	Producer Edition 4.0.2




Thank you,






John Niendorf

Director, Foreign Language Media Center

Purdue University

Stanley Coulter Hall 220


 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning, and The Consortium for Language Teaching and
Learning (http://consortium.dartmouth.edu).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])