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>Date:         Thu, 20 Oct 2005 22:47:58 -0400
>From: "Dartmouth College LISTSERV Server (14.4)"
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>Subject: LLTI: approval required (BA62B073)
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To APPROVE the message:
Hi, We have the old Sanako system when it was called Tandberg.

Our instructors did NOT adjust to it quickly.  We have had it for 6 years 
and they still are adjusting.  We try to adjust to what their level is. 
Our goal is to "lure" one or two "new" professors into using the Sanako 
system each semester.  So we do a lot of "marketing" and training to our 
faculty about the wonderful advantages they can get from our system.  We 
have trained lab technicians who will take care of all the equipment and 
we tell the professor to just facilitate the class and let us know what 
their lesson plan is.  My staff are trained to offer suggestions--once 
they hear the lesson plan--on how to use some aspect of our system that 
they may or may not have been aware of to add a new layer to their lesson 
plan.  The professor will accept the suggestion or reject it based upon 
their goals and their comfort levels.

Starting last year we suddenly had a growing number of professors who 
wanted to take control of the technology as well as the lesson plan, so we 
eagerly encouraged them to do so.  Of course, as they learned one area of 
Sanako we would teach them another, so they often still need us.  But we 
try to be as hands on or hands off as the professors need and want.

Has Sanako increased our lab attendance?  Yes, definitely.  Once they 
start coming even once or twice a semester with their instructors into our 
"Smart Lab" where Sanako is, they tend to come back on their own to try 
out other software and other capabilities or our lab.  That's one of the 
reasons we try so hard to recruit professors to use our Smart Lab.  For 
each professor, we get hundreds of hours in lab attendance (and thus 
funding) per semester.

We don't come close to fully utilizing the Sanako system, but that gives 
me hope because there continues to be new ways our instructors can use the 
equipment so they don't get bored.  I find that my staff like to learn new 
things about Sanako one at a time.  Then once they have learned that new 
thing; they turn around and promote it to the instructors.  Then I can 
introduce a new aspect of it to my staff.

Sorry to be longwinded.  Hope this helps. 

Peggy C. Marcy
Supervisor Language Learning Center
Mt. San Antonio College

 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning, and The Consortium for Language Teaching and
Learning (http://consortium.dartmouth.edu).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])