--- Forwarded Message from Duncan Charters <[log in to unmask]> ---

>In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 19:52:34 -0500
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum
<[log in to unmask]>
>From: Duncan Charters <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: #7658.2 DAEWOO Code-free Dealer (!)

I am still finding the $59 Daewoo DVD player sold at Target to work just
fine, as it has a built-in converter so they can sell the same machine
anywhere, and it plays everything I have perfectly.  One does need to find
the codes how to change to region "0" on a web site.  Don't know if that
still works for the newer models.

I have dealt with World Gift Center for many years.  They were changing to
a new site, so I don't know about the ownership. but the old one still
works, and the tech support person referred to has been there the whole
time (Peter P.).  He is usually very helpful and has saved me from some bad
decisions and given good support for problems, which are few.  But I do
know they have been burned by complaints, so they are now very careful in
their descriptions.  One note, though, if you need service after warranty,
they charge $200 just to look at it, though they will negotiate on a new

A note on the CyberHome CH-DVD3000, which is a nice portable machine, very
stable for early set-ups, friendly to use for stills, quick reviews etc. in
class and reasonably priced.  The supplier matters when you get one of
these, though.
1. Radio Shack or any other mass merchandiser.  Usually around $40, you can
change it to region 0 (look for web site) and then it works fine with a
converter, or through a multi-standard projector or TV.  Our Media Services
Department bought one and are very satisfied.
2. Bombay Electronics.  $49.99.  Their description says that theirs will
play PAL discs on any NTSC TV, but when I said that the Radio Shack one
didn't and I wanted to be sure theirs did, they cancelled my order stating
that it probably wouldn't.  A friend bought one anyway from them.  It does
NOT play PAL discs on an NTSC TV satisfactorily.  I think Bombay got caught
since CyberHome on other models are like Daewoo and a couple of other
brands and include a converter so they can be sold everywhere.  But this
one is small and inexpensive so they must have left it out.
3. World Gift Center.  $59.99.  They advertise specifically a bult-in
converter.  Theirs works perfectly on everything I have tried.  They are
careful to state that it doesn't play DVD-Rs.  I asked about that, since it
seems to (although there is some problem with the subtitling on one DVD-R I
have).  Peter said they had to put that statement in there because if there
were one that didn't work, they would have a problem.  Anyway, the same
discs that did not play on the Bombay Electronics one played perfectly on
the World Gift Center's.  Just my experience.

Duncan Charters

Dr. Duncan Charters
Professor, Language Department
Principia College, Elsah, IL 62028-9799
Telephone: (618) 374-5252    Fax: (618) 374-5465
E-mail: <[log in to unmask]>