--- Forwarded Message from Bob Majors <[log in to unmask]> ---

>User-Agent: Microsoft-Entourage/
>Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 11:24:09 -0800
>Subject: Re: #7472 cable management
>From: Bob Majors <[log in to unmask]>
>To: Language Learning and Technology International Information    Forum
<[log in to unmask]>
>In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>

> The cables on the headphones we have are too long for use in the labs
> (9' long!). They drag and tangle and are a mess. Does anyone have any
> bright ideas? Are there ways to cut the cables and attach a new plug?
> Are there devices such as are seen with telephones (sometimes)--or
> even a mouselet a friend has for his computer where they wind and
> unwind with a tug?

It might be faster to figure out the maximum length you need from the desk
to the users head, then put the headphone cable into a cable clamp (little
plastic device with an eye in it, at hardware or electronics stores) and
screw the clamp under your desk (somewhere not seen and harder to get at
ideally) with a star or other unusual-head screw.  Now the cable is at a
desired, fixed length from the desk/carrel to the user's head.  Take the
remaining length (between the clamp and computer) and loop it, then cable
tie the loop gently, leaving some slack in the length between the loop and
the computer, so that the computer can be moved a bit without having to
unplug the headphone jack.  This will force thieves to either unscrew the
clamp or cut the wire.  This stops some casual thieves.  This works for mice
as well.
