--- Forwarded Message from "Edith Paillat" <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Subject: RE: #7459 Minimum Technology Skills for Educators
>Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 10:20:03 +1200
>Thread-Topic: #7459 Minimum Technology Skills for Educators
>Thread-Index: AcQRDRS6KuSeukTBSJuIrzS7ywEnmQAES84w
>From: "Edith Paillat" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum"
<[log in to unmask]>

Dear Carol,

Are the skills related to the skills you mention related to basic admin tasks
(marking, correspondance and material preparation) or to core teaching in a CALL
environment / distance learning?

Useful sites (in French and since you are a lecturer of French) I would
recommend are

In English you will find the following useful as well and they will direct you
to a lot more other sites where you will find talilor-made (almost) to your
specific working environment.
and the most comprehensive on the Internet (I feel):

All the skills you mention are of course essential but the difficulty lies in
linking both the skills to methodology (language course delivery and learner's
autonomy). For example, searching the web is one thing, but transferring this
skill to a CALL environment is another - do you want to teach your students to
search the web in the target language, do you want them to find relevant info on
a specific website or do you want to get them to create their own webpage? ;
idem with using e-mails, what purpose do you want the instructors to use e-mails
in their class delivery? collaboration work between students? assignments
delivery, only?  discussions ? There are milions of possibilities, but the
selection all come down to your own local conditions.

Our institutions requires the same skills you mention for their practical staff
work, and very little yet for class preparation  and delivery. We are currently
in the process of replacing old tandberg system with a computer lab dedicated to
language learning. My aim is to not only predict training needs with regards to
their computer proficiency and the technology made available in the new
classroom but identify with them specific language applications that will meet
their needs and level. For example to replace the analogue AV equipment I am
currently selecting AV applications that we integrate audio, video and word
processing. When selected this is one of the core applications the teachers will
need to be trained on. Wordprocessing is generally out of class hours for
students to write their own assignments and for teachers to prepare homework
material and course booklets.  Powerpoint presentation is very useful for
distance learning or lecture delivery and homework reading... etc.. and I will
stop here for the list is extensively long ;-)

If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Edith Paillat
Language Technology Specialist
Language Learning Centre
Victoria University of Wellington
P.O.Box 600, Wellington
New Zealand
+64 4 463 5792

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if anyone has compiled or knows where to locate any set
> of standards describing the minimum technology skills needed
> by today's
> instructors in higher ed?  (My own personal list of basic skills would
> be:  using email, navigating the www, using  a word-processor- but an
> official list of standards to cite would be a big help!) Does your
> institution require informally or formally the acquisition of certain
> basic skills?
> Carol
> _______________________
> Carol H. Reitan
> Technology Learning Center
> Instructor of French
> City College of San Francisco
> LB2, 50 Phelan Avenue
> San Francisco, CA 94112
> (415) 239-3554
> _____________________________
> [log in to unmask]
> http://www.ccsf.edu/TLC
> http://fog.ccsf.edu/~creitan
> _____________________________
> >>> [log in to unmask] 03/22/04 08:52AM >>>
> --- Forwarded Message from "Steve & Laura Spinella"
> <[log in to unmask]> ---
> >From: "Steve & Laura Spinella" <[log in to unmask]>
> >To: "LLTI-Editor" <[log in to unmask]>
> >Subject: Re: #7454 Recording MP3 sound
> >Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 21:25:38 +0800
> Total Sound Recorder.
> Steve
> <www.team.org.tw/spinella>, <www.team.org.tw/ccg>
> <[log in to unmask]> <[log in to unmask]>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "LLTI-Editor" <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 3:25 AM
> Subject: #7454 Recording MP3 sound
> ...> Can anyone recommend a reliable, inexpensive, even free program
> for
> > recording MP3 files of student speaking exercises?  Sound
> Recorder is
> nice
> > in its limited way, but it only accepts a maximum of 60 seconds.