On Monday, May 19, 2003, at 01:34  AM, [log in to unmask] wrote:
> mount volume "Computer Lab Share" on server "DC1" as user name
> "username"
> with password "password"
> -- produces -5023 (afpUserNotAuth AFP User not authorized)
This should be

mount volume volume "Computer Lab Share"...

I think.  A lot of versions of AS required it to be that way.

> I am trying to connect from a Mac running Mac OS 8.6 to a windows 2000
> server
> with Macintosh services if that matters.
I seem to recall a problem with it and some win servers.  Search the

> So, no luck there either. Has anyone gotten this to work? Am I missing
> something?
I have gotten it to work but its hosey and flakey.

Usually what I do is I have a keychain set up with the authentication
and then have in the script

"" & alias "My Server:"

It's a special kind of magic.