> Well, I thought I'd used every variation of "every record whose" in FMP
> 6 in OS 10.2 without (predictable/sustainable) success, but I was
> always trying to "set myVar to every record whose ..." Your variation,
> in which you "show every record whose ..." and then "set myVar to get
> data of every field of document 1" hasn't crashed FMP 6 in a full
> morning of testing. I'm very hopeful!
> In an aside, though, I'm finding that "show every record whose cell "x"
> is "whatever"" will also return records whose cell "x" is
> "whatever_plus_suffix". I'm not using the "contains" modifier, or the
> "begins with" modifier. I'm using "is" or "is equal to" or "=" and none
> of those modifiers return the correct (exact) set of records.

I just tried another variation that is working for me.

First of all, recollect that the standard FileMaker exact match symbol is

So the regular whose clause is similar to a single =.

I plugged in a second = as shown below, and in very brief testing, it is

Show every record whose cell "yourFieldl" = "=A"