On Fri, 30 May 2003 08:04:54 -0400,  "Steven H. Blackwell"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I don't know what issues you're having with this, but the following
> script works correctly for me in FMP 6.0v4 and OS X (10.2.3)--watch the
> line wraps:
> tell application "FileMaker Pro"
> show (every record of database 1 whose cell "x" contains "y" and cell
> "x2" does not contain "y2")
> set somevar to get data of every field of document 1
> end tell
> Or, you could use this syntax:
> tell application "FileMaker Pro"
> show (every record of database 1 whose cell "x" contains "y")
> show (every record of document 1 whose cell "x2" does not contains
> "y2")
> end tell

Well, I thought I'd used every variation of "every record whose" in FMP
6 in OS 10.2 without (predictable/sustainable) success, but I was
always trying to "set myVar to every record whose ..." Your variation,
in which you "show every record whose ..." and then "set myVar to get
data of every field of document 1" hasn't crashed FMP 6 in a full
morning of testing. I'm very hopeful!

In an aside, though, I'm finding that "show every record whose cell "x"
is "whatever"" will also return records whose cell "x" is
"whatever_plus_suffix". I'm not using the "contains" modifier, or the
"begins with" modifier. I'm using "is" or "is equal to" or "=" and none
of those modifiers return the correct (exact) set of records.