On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 23:49 US/Eastern, David Livesay wrote:

> I think he's confused because the GraphicConvertor example I posted
> had a list as the object of the open command. I did that because I
> thought it might be useful for the person who asked the question to
> know that GC would accept a list of aliases, even though the script
> wasn't written to take advantage of it. I didn't mean to confuse
> anyone, but apparently I did.

I was confused because no angle I tried worked. The list was just the
last method, which I used only because it was last. I rarely work with
lists. In fact, I don't think there is a script on my hard drive
authored by me which uses a list. About the only time I've used them
was when playing with someone else's work.

-- Chip