Dear Scripting Friends,
    I've been noodling around with this, searching the sites for advice, but
it's just beyond me. Can you please help? Dan Shockley very kindly sent his
Yahoo handler, and I want to pull out the bits that would allow me to click a
mailto URL in an Internet Explorer page, and have the mailto URL put on the
clipboard, or passed to FileMaker Pro. Here's what I have so far:

on open location emailURL
        set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "mailto:"
        set theString to item 2 of the text items of emailURL -- get everything
after the "mailto:"
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
end open location
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
        open alias "my database"
        do script "New IM from IE"
        set data of cell "out Email Address [IM]" of current record to theString as
end tell

    I'm pretty sure the app tell will work, that I can do. But how do I get
the mailto URL parsed?
   Dan's script also has
on processMailto(theURL) -- theURLis the mailto URL to send email to
and perhaps that's what I need to use? I'm sorry I don't understand the
syntax better. Any help would be appreciated.
Yours truly,
Bucky Edgett