Emmanuel wrote on Sat, 17 May 2003 17:56:13 +0200:

>At 3:20 PM +0100 17/05/03, Nigel Garvey wrote:
>>Walter Ian Kaye wrote on Fri, 16 May 2003 14:12:27 -0700:
>> >[...]
>>>Moral: round any decimal numbers yourself before coercing to double.
>>Two morals, I think:
>>  1) Don't coerce to double.
>>  2) Do download aRounderRound from Script Builders. ;-)
>I'm afraid the OP was after a moral more about handling long numbers than
>about rounding  :-)


Ah yes - though not originally. He only seems to have reached that point
after some off-list discussions with someone.

This particular sub-thread (with the inadvertently truncated subject
line) began with my observation that numbers coerced to 'double integer'
are reported as being reals and that they're rounded off, using the
"nearest even" convention for handling .5's. Walter's moral and my
variations on it refer to this and to the ensuing replies.

However, my mention of aRounderRound - a free, very useful, and
super-fast collection of rounding, truncation, and (for want of a better
word) quantisation handlers, available from ScriptBuilders - was
unarguably a gratuitous plug. I hope that the indefatigable champion of a
certain French product will forgive my shameless opportunism on this
occasion. ;-)