--- Forwarded Message from Barbara Sawhill <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2003 11:59:12 -0500
>From: Barbara Sawhill <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Tales of Survival
>Originator-Info: login-id=psawhill; server=mail.oberlin.edu


I am making a presentation at IALLT 2003 about survival strategies for the
language lab during these times of shrinking endowments, budget cuts and
layoffs.  I would like to pull together stories from those of you who have
had to develop some sort of a survival plan (or have had one developed FOR
you) to keep your lab afloat.

You might have done any number of things: perhaps you applied for outside
funding, made internal budget cuts (before they were made FOR you), engaged
in shameless self promotion on your campus to gain publicity of your
plight.  You might have restructured and become part of the IT or Library
departments (and, undoubtedly, gained access to their larger budgets).  In
a nutshell: If the existence of your lab (and the services it provides) was
challenged.... and your efforts (or the efforts of others) have allowed
your lab to stay in business...  I want to hear from you.

I have information from the Fall 2002 NERALLD conference that touched upon
this subject.

Please contact me directly ([log in to unmask])


Barbara Sawhill
Cooper International Learning Center (The Language Lab)
Oberlin College

phone: 440-775-8595   fax: 440-775-6888

The Language Lab website: http://www.oberlin.edu/~ilc