--- Forwarded Message from Peter Liddell <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 12:53:52 -0700
>From: Peter Liddell <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: WC2003 Final CfP
>To: [log in to unmask]

Dear Colleagues
This is a final reminder that the deadline for submitting Abstracts for
WorldCALL 2003 is almost on us. The online submission form is at
WorldCALL is hosted by the Universities of Alberta and Calgary, and will be
held at the Banff Conference Centre, from May 7-10th, 2003.

PLEASE NOTE: Submissions will be accepted for 48 hours beyond the posted
deadline, because there was an unforeseen delay in posting this final Call.

NOTE ALSO: If you are a Canadian Graduate Student, and your proposal is
accepted for presentation, you will be entitled to register free for
WorldCALL, thanks to stipulations of the Social Science and Humanities
Council of Canada. For you, the deadline for submission is now extended to
October 31st. (You will be asked at the time of notification to confirm
your status, if your proposal is accepted.)

A WorldCALL factoid: Did you know that the Canadian Dollar is consistently
worth only about 64 cents US? Or, to put it another way: USD 100 will buy
CAD 150-worth of anything in Canada. We accept USD currency in most places
at that same exchange rate, too.

We look forward to seeing you in Banff.
Peter Liddell
Program Chair
WorldCALL 2003