--- Forwarded Message from "Barbara Fick" <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Reply-To: "Barbara Fick" <[log in to unmask]>
>From: "Barbara Fick" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Position Announcement - American University
>Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 21:13:54 -0400


The Department of Language and Foreign Studies in the College of Arts and
Sciences at American University invites applications for the position of
Language Resource Center Director beginning Summer 2001.

The ideal candidate will have a record of innovation and creativity in
making technology accessible, understandable and appealing to an academic
audience, and demonstrated leadership and resourcefulness in identifying
and integrating technological solutions to pedagogical needs.

M.A. in a foreign language or instructional technology (Ph.D. preferred),
experience in academic computing, and demonstrated experience applying
technology in support of teaching and learning foreign languages. Excellent
teaching, communication and interpersonal skills. Applicants should be
fluent in English and at least one other language and show familiarity with
applications, resources and techniques used in foreign language teaching.

Competitive salary depending on qualifications and experience. Applicants
should submit a curriculum vitae and dossier with three letters of
recommendation to: Dr. Barbara R. Fick, Chair of Language Resource Center
Search Committee, Department of Language and Foreign Studies, American
University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. 20016-8045.
American University is an Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action
employer committed to a diverse faculty, staff, and student body. Women and
minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.