--- Forwarded Message from Ed Dente <[log in to unmask]> ---

>Date: Mon, 08 May 2000 16:14:43 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Ed Dente <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Devil's Advocate
>To: LLTI <[log in to unmask]>

I'm not sure if you all know the Web arts and literature daily compendium,
"Arts and Letters Daily", http://cybereditions.com/aldaily/, but apart
from its daily cull of fascinating material of general interest, it
features regular reprints of technology/education papers and articles that
I would otherwise miss.
On the thoery that Satchel Paige was wrong, and that we SHOULD always look
over our shoulder because something may be gaining on us, and to keep
aware of the devil's advocate position in our profession, I'd like point
out two particular "reprints" in this week's edition. One is a piece from
the Chronicle of Higher Education that you may have seen by Jeffrey Young
on David Noble's attack on Distance Education ("David F. Noble says
distance education is fool's gold, and he's eager to point out who the
fools are...") (http://chronicle.com/free/v46/i30/30a00101.htm).
The other article is also one that may be familiar -- what they describe
as the "classic attack on computers in education" by Todd Oppenheimer,
from the Atlantic Monthly
(http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/97jul/computer.htm). This is included
in conjunction with a report on Clifford Stoll's recent screed against
computers in education.
I guess we've seen and heard a lot of this kind of material already, but
these articles offer some new food for thought.

       "If you want to call me that, smile"
                                 -Gary Cooper, <<The Virginian>>
Edmund N. Dente
Director, Language Media Center    Ph: 617-627-3036
Tufts University                   [log in to unmask]
Medford, MA 02155