Dartmouth community, 

We are deeply saddened by the loss of fellow sister and Dartmouth student, Julia Cross '24. Julia was a kind, bright, and welcoming member of our house who made those around her feel valued and cared about. She will be greatly missed by all of us.

While an official memorial service planned by her close friends and the College will be held later in the term, our house will be gathering this Saturday, April 27th from 3-5:00pm to celebrate the life of our beloved sister, Julia. Our doors are open to anyone who would like to join us. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Devin Tulio (Chapter President), Gianna Totani (Chapter Life Vice President), and Helena Seo (Member Development Vice President). 

In times like these, we wish to be an open and safe space for members of the Dartmouth community. 

The Sisters of Alpha Xi Delta
17 East Wheelock St, Hanover NH