Hey there MSP!

HAPPY WEEK FIVE!!! Can you believe we are almost halfway done with the term? We hope midterms aren't too brutal yet! In the meantime, we bring you the latest news on MSP, the marketing world, and more!

For our lovely, amazing MSP members <3

Halfway through with the term means we're also approaching MIDTERM PRESENTATIONS! We're so excited for case groups to present their research and suggestions to their respective companies. Be proud and have fun with it - you all have been doing great work!
Our MSP WORKSHOP is also in the works, set for week 7! This will be open to ALL MSP members, and will be an opportunity to gain real insight into marketing topics and build skills so you can use them in your case studies and prospective careers! Specific topic and logistics to come!

What's up in the marketing world?

Meta adds AI chatbot to all apps<https://www.marketingdive.com/news/meta-ai-chatbot-facebook-instagram-whatsapp-messenger/713697/>
A next-level generative AI assistant has been integrated into search bars for Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger.

AT&T brings 'The Office' cast members for a B2B campaign<https://www.marketingdive.com/news/att-reunites-the-office-cast-members-b2b-marketing-campaign/713574/>
AT&T brings Rainn Wilson, Jenna Fischer, Craig Robinson, Creed Bratton, Kate Flannery and Brian Baumgartner into a series of new commercials to promote a network targeted toward small businesses.

[??] MCOTW
(Marketing Concept of the Week!)

AUDIENCE SEGMENTATION - the process of separating the target market into specific groups by demographic factors (such as age, geography, education, and income) to create personalized marketing campaigns
Read more here!<https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/demographic-segmentation?hubs_content=blog.hubspot.com%2Fmarketing%2Fmarketing-techniques&hubs_content-cta=audience%20segmentation>

Don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn (Marketing Student Program<https://www.linkedin.com/in/marketing-student-program-85177b277/>) and Instagram (@msp.dartmouth<https://www.instagram.com/msp.dartmouth>) [??]

Until next week,
MSP [??]