Come see the Rocks at the Fossil Free Festival this Monday (4/22) @5PM!!!

Celebrate Earth Day at the Fossil Free Festival this Monday, April 22nd 5-7pm on the Dartmouth Green! Join for live music, speakers, food, and activities to learn about intersectional impacts of climate change and how students and community members are taking action for climate justice. The event will begin with speakers, food, and interactive workshops 5-6pm, followed by live music performance by the student band Phytoplankton at 6:00pm, and more activities until 7pm!

Hosted by Fossil Free Dartmouth and Dartmouth Energy Alliance, with the Dartmouth Sustainability Action Program, Farm Club, Central Americans United Student Association, Sunrise Dartmouth, Sustainable Hanover, Carbon Fee and Dividend Movement, League of Conservation Voters, Ledyard Canoe Club, and the Energy Justice Clinic.