What is college if you miss out on Tango?

Are you feeling like this?

week 4 scaries. 
its just you and your umbrella. you likely don't even have a cat. sorry.
but you could have tango. this monday night. not in collis cg for a while. 

Tango. Now in an exciting new location! 

Tango is in CUMMINGS GREAT HALL this Monday! 

Come to Tango - Monday night @ 7:30 pm in Thayer!

Tango Series (of 9 classes with practica)

There will be a group workshop with one class (approx. 1 hour) and you can stay for longer if you'd prefer to!
This is the fourth in a set of PROGRESSIVE classes, don't miss out as things get more advanced and fun : )

7:30-8:45 pm: Introductory Argentine Tango Class

8:45-9:30 pm: Practica (Tango practice for anyone)

All levels of experience are welcome! 
Classes are FREE for all ❤️

No need to bring a partner, just bring not too-grippy shoes! 

go to the first 'building' inside Thayer (engineering building, at the end of Tuck drive.)
there are maps inside thayer. these maps are eveywhere. they show the exact location better than I would

See you there!