Dear Friends,

Join us this evening at the Edge (14 School Street, just across from Panarchy) at 6pm as we share a home-cooked dinner together and continue our exploration of Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love.

Tonight we'll be talking about the 15th Revelation (p124-139; chapters 57-65) in the Long Text. The rich imagery and reflection continues, and we're now at the long-awaited section in which Julian delves into the idea of Jesus as "Our True Mother".

As always, you are welcome to come even if you haven't done the pre-reading!

Come with any questions and thoughts you have, and a good appetite for both good food and good conversation. All are welcome!

Also: Tea & Snacks at the Edge, tomorrow (Thurs), 2:30-4:30. Once again, I'll be setting up w/ a fresh pot of tea and a homemade baked treat at the Edge tomorrow afternoon. Drop by to study or hang out, and come for as long or as little as you like!

As always, Guy, Alyson, or I are available if you need any support, especially as the end of the term draws closer, so don't hesitate to reach out.

