Hi Ruckus!

đź‘€Looking for spring break plans? đź‘€

Specifically thinking of a place-based, immersive learning experience? Look no further – we’ve got two opportunities for you! Read on to learn more about Sugar Crew, Dartmouth’s premiere maple sugaring team, which spends spring break right here in Vermont and New Hampshire, and the Appalachia Energy Immersion Program, which travels to West Virginia and Washington, D.C. to learn more about the interplay between energy systems, humans, and the environment.

Apps for both programs are due Jan. 12 and Jan. 7 respectively – get started today!


[A group of people jumping in the air  Description automatically generated]
(A photo of Sugar Crew 2023 jumping for excitement in the snow in front of the sugarhouse–this could be you!!)

If you’re fiending for the sweet sap that seems to be ubiquitous in New England, or you’re a tiny bit curious about the processes of making maple syrup, then we want you!

Sugar Crew applications are now live!<https://forms.gle/6YbRgaXEMCJFHhMCA> Apply here!<https://forms.gle/6YbRgaXEMCJFHhMCA>

There is more information in the application above, but please feel free to reach out to me ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) if you have any questions about Sugar Crew 2024! Everyone is welcome, no experience required!



Our upcoming Energy Immersion Trip to Appalachia in partnership with the Irving Institute is a unique opportunity to delve into the intricate relationship between West Virginia's cultural identity, economy, politics, and environment, all framed by the historical influence of coal. As we explore the region, we'll take a look at innovative approaches to transitioning the region away from coal, and how different stakeholders are promoting alternative solutions to help power the economy, such as natural gas, outdoor recreation, hydrogen, and renewable energies. Through a place-based learning lens, we'll absorb the rich tapestry of Appalachia, fostering a holistic understanding of its past, present, and future.

Interested? Visit our info page<https://www.sustainability.dartmouth.edu/energy-immersion-trips> to learn more and apply! We are now taking applications for both trip participants and trip leaders–please see below for more details.

Questions? We’ll host an info session during the first week of winter term, so stay tuned!



PARTICIPANTS: Apply here!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfeIQ1vowMgbmGRpmq5EAlmaYH2VVd2bNqjGC-yC5jgYb-AOw/viewform?usp=sf_link>

Participant applications are due Sunday, January 7 by 10PM.

Applicants should able to commit time to both attending the trip over spring break, but also to prepare for the experience by attending weekly 1.5 hour-long education sessions during winter term, starting the week of January 15th

We subsidize the price of the trip so the cost to you is only $250, covering all travel expenses, programming, housing, and food for the entire duration of the trip. Need-based financial aid is available up to 100% through an application and approval process after acceptance on the trip. Cost will not be a barrier to participation in this program.

LEADERS: Apply here!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdm8tfhNkHsOwGZA-3bmyfMAGE6_azPrCLVfL-p7aKpgH3HHQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>

Trip leader applications are due Sunday, January 7 by 10PM. Interviews with applicants will be held as needed.

We are seeking leaders from diverse backgrounds and with a range of extracurricular and academic interests. Previous involvement with sustainability, energy systems, earth sciences, health, or environmental justice work is not required.

Our trip leaders will be interns through the Sustainability Office and will be paid an hourly rate of $16.25/hr for ~3 hours per week in winter term leading up to the trip. These hours will be dedicated to coordinating and/or leading group dynamics and community building, attending Sustainability intern dinners, communicating and coordinating logistics among trip participants, and guiding group discussions and reflections as part of collaborative learning. Additionally, the cost of the trip ($250 per person) will be completely covered for leaders.

Warm solstice wishes,

<3 Susty