Hi campus,

Week 8 getting rough?  Feeling in need of a space to relax, eat free food, hang out with friends, and/or talk with peers and profs about cool topics?

(you: yes)

….then come to Food for Thought this Thursday at 6:30 at the Thought Project house (11 Webster Ave)!!  Professor Elizabeth Mallott will be talking about the ethical/social/legal implications of genetic ancestry testing - super relevant and cool!  Of course, we will have catered dinner as always.  RSVP HERE<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdTpDswJV3Qia127ITW1gsVPNj8MCu5YgMc9dSb3IfkRoWehA/viewform?usp=sf_link> - see you there!!

The Thought Project


~think free or die~