Have great ideas about how to improve Greek life at Dartmouth?  We are holding elections for the

19F Greek Leadership Council: Programming Chair

What is the GLC?

The GLC is the overarching body of the five Greek sub-councils: ISC, IFC, GIGC, NPHC, and MCGC. This is a great opportunity to get involved with the Dartmouth community and work with motivated peers to make Greek life better. We strongly encourage all affiliated '21s with an interest in leadership and community action to apply! 



Applications are due Sunday, August 11th at midnight. 

Apply here: https://forms.gle/bHzMGPicDhLLQzK89 


Please reach out to the current board members for more information regarding the position.

Feel free to blitz the Greek Leadership Council account with any general questions.

A full description of the council can be found in the constitution:


The following position will be elected:

Programming Chair

Current: Vanesa Iniguez ([log in to unmask])

Helps promote programming for the council and keeps notes of all meetings.. Maintains and promotes the public image of the GLC, its sub-councils, the Greek organizations, and the Greek community as a whole.

Any Questions? Email us at [log in to unmask] 


The Greek Leadership Council