The Official Fifty 19X Information and Sign-Up Meeting:



8:30 PM, Dartmouth 105



(you… potentially)


What will happen at this mandatory meeting:


  1. Information about hiking and supporting The Fifty will be presented
  2. The sign-up sheet becomes available to those in attendance


If you are convinced, put the meeting date in your calendar and don’t miss it.

For more info, keep reading!


What is The Fifty? It’s a non-stop, through-the-night hike from Moosilauke to campus, hiked along the Appalachian Trail maintained by Dartmouth. It’s around 54 miles total, and you could have the chance to hike it or support the hikers at stations this summer! Teams consisting of four hikers will start off Friday, August 9th and hike their way back to campus by Saturday, August 10th, as they pass through six support stations filled with many smiling volunteers and tons of delicious food!  The Fifty is one of Dartmouth’s best traditions, and sophomore summer is the iconic time for people to hike it.


Who can participate? Any Dartmouth student currently on campus.


When is The Fifty taking place? August 9-10th, 2019!


I don’t know if I should hike it… then you should still come to the meeting! From the information we give out and the videos we will show, you should get a good idea of whether you want to hike it or not. And if not… support it! There are tons of volunteer positions at each of the stations, i.e. Safety Chiefs (need med. certs.), Station Chiefs, Sweepers, etc. They stations are tons of fun and it’s a great way to meet people, experience The Fifty (maybe it’ll give you an idea of if you want to hike it in the future), and partake in one of sophomore summer’s biggest events.


Still have questions? Blitz us back at [log in to unmask]


The 19X Directors,

Simon Oster

Jaq Hager

Derek Lue