You're invited...

Tuesday, April 16th @7 PM in Collis 101!

Do you self-identify with a disability, chronic illness, or autoimmune disease

Do you want to be an advocate for students with disabilities on campus? 

Are you looking to meet people on campus who face similar challenges with their health? 

If you answered YES to any of these questions, join Autoimmune Campus Alliance! 

(Image descriptionGIF of “Yesss!”)

Learn about the accessibility event we are hosting this term, and sign up for volunteer activities! Meet awesome people, and do something to make a difference at Dartmouth and beyond! 

Tuesday, April 16th @7 PM in Collis 101

What is Autoimmune Campus Alliance (ACA)?

Autoimmune Campus Alliance is a campus-wide organization that aims to bring together members of the Dartmouth community with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and autoimmune diseases. Membership is open to all of campus, and our goal is to provide a safe and informative space for people who are interested in sharing their personal experiences, meeting a larger community, or learning more about the relationship between student life and disabilities. This organization aims to fill a void in the Dartmouth community by 1) giving students a place to meet others who face similar on-campus challenges and 2) creating a group for advocacy on campus and in the larger community. 

If you have any questions regarding Autoimmune Campus Alliance (ACA), please email [log in to unmask]