Hey Dartmouth!!

Just wanted to make sure everyone saw...


A Dartmouth '88,


United States Senator from New York,


And candidate for President of the United States is visiting Dartmouth this Saturday, 2/16!


Kirsten Gillibrand '88 is COMING TO CAMPUS and speaking this Saturday at 3PM in Alumni Hall!!!

The first 100 student supporters who arrive will get a complimentary Gillibrand 2020 t-shirt!


***Be Sure to RSVP here if you haven't yet: https://goo.gl/forms/H9ys41VewjmOZLtn1

(Because of sheer numbers, an RSVP will not guarantee admission to the event. Be on the lookout for further updates about overflow rooms and other important details over the next couple of days)

Dartmouth College Democrats, Dartmouth's chapter of College Democrats of America, is the premier political organization at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. With a particular focus on political activism and issue advocacy, Dartmouth College Democrats aims to get all students at Dartmouth College involved in the political process.

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