Week 8, winter term.  There’s snow but it’s not pretty anymore, your seasonal affective disorder is finally kicking in, and you’re recently concussed from a chunk of ice that came shooting off of mid mass while you were just trying to get to Italy night at foco.  What could possibly lift your spirits? I know what you’re thinking - easy answer! The Dartmouth Dodecaphonics, Dartmouth College’s oldest and premier co-ed a cappella group.  Luckily for you, they will be performing some bops at11:15 at KDE tonight.  Have you ever wondered if God is a woman?  You can bet your bottom dollar that this question will be answered.  Do you have Issues?  We got 'em too!  Are you feelin good?  Probably not (see above) but you can for a hot sec while we sing about it.  Also some coldplay songs and poison and wine, which are difficult titles to work into an email.  See you there!