The next DEC Pizza Lunch will be held on February 21st – We hope to see you there!

Sizing and Siting Energy Storage for Distribution Circuits using a Scalable Approach to Optimization

Thursday, February 21st
Fahey First Floor Commons

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Utilities are undergoing a paradigm shift in their business model from primarily being electricity distributors to providers of a suite of value-added electricity services. Pavan Racherla will present a scalable optimization approach centered around system reduction that can be used to address associated problems such as the sizing and siting of energy storage. Optimization experiments are performed on a real distribution circuit in Vermont to identify scenarios that lead to the deployment of energy storage under high levels of distributed solar generation.

About Pavan:

Pavan Racherla is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Vermont. His research interests include electricity transmission & distribution systems modeling; optimal sizing and placement of energy storage for 3-phase distribution circuits; solar/wind-energy forecasting; and, the resource-constrained interplay between food, energy, and water systems. He has a PhD in Engineering & Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University (2007). He formerly was a climate modeler at NASA GISS (2009-2013).

Hosted by the Dartmouth Energy Collaborative

*The Dartmouth Energy Collaborative is a partnership of the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society, the Revers Center for Energy at Tuck, the Dartmouth Sustainability Office and the Thayer School of Engineering