Like ~dogsledding~  ?

Big fan of ~nordic skiing~ ??

How about ~snowshoeing and nature exploration~ ???

If any of these activities sound like fun to you, sign up for the DOC's Winter Grant Weekend using the google form below:

Winter Grant Weekend is Feb 22 - Feb 24 this year. We
typically leave in the afternoon on Friday and return in the afternoon on Sunday.
 All transportation is provided by the DOC

Winter Grant programming is ideal for everyone, from first timers to seasoned winter adventurers! There will be instructional clinics and opportunities to go on longer ski/snowshoe tours. 

All of the gear that you might need to borrow is available FOR FREE from Dartmouth Outdoor Rentals. 

For more information about the weekend, open up the google form and take a look. Or email any of the following trip leaders: Anna Ellis '19, Tyler Work '20, Kevin Donohue '21. 

Stoked for more adventures,
Anna, Tyler, and Kevin