Gentlefolk all,

Do you like swords?

Do you like stabbing at your friends with swords?

Would you like to learn to sword fight using rapiers and real historical renaissance styles?

The Medieval Enthusiasts at Dartmouth will be holding our first fencing practice of this term on Sunday, Jan. 20 from 1-2:50 in Manley rooms 87/88 in the gym. We practice renaissance fencing styles with rapier blades rather than foils. This practice will depend on the weather and whether our faculty advisor can safely drive to campus.

Additionally, we shall be going down to Manchester for the Market at Birka all day on Saturday, January 26th, a Society for Creative Anachronism event with fencing and heavy fighting tourneys, music and arts, a large market, and royal court. If you are interested in going, please let us know in order to plan the logistics. If you have any questions or interest please let us know so we can answer you/add you to the listserv.

Ethan Putnam