Enjoy  Microbrews, Trivia, Open Mic, or last week's Collis' 40th birthday celebration?

Meet the people that run all of that (and maybe become one yourself!)

Collis Governing Board will be having open meetings in Collis 303 every Thursday at 4:30 PM (oh boy, that's today!)

Here are the top three reasons why you should come:

1. You get to talk about ways to improve student life and the Collis Center

1. You get to hang out with some awesome people

1. You get to see how you like CGB and if you would want to become a full member in the future to help us manage our budget and make cool things happen

(We couldn't come up with an order because each of these things are #1)


Getting involved...


Have an event you want to get funded?

Have a suggestion or idea to improve student life and/or Collis?

Want to get learn more about what CGB does?

Check out our website for more info! https://students.dartmouth.edu/collis/organizations/student-organizations-governing-boards/collis-governing-board