It's not too late...

Enjoy the company of friends, both old and new, as we examine ourselves and our world through the lens of our different experiences, identities, and values. Join us this term as we adapt the powerful framework that is Telling My Story on Campus to explore personal pathways to meaningful change in a polarized world.

Interested? Here's what you can do:

  1. Read the testimonials beneath the flyer!
  2. Email: [log in to unmask]

"Telling My Story has somehow made me feel more human. However, this new grasp of my humanity does not dissipate outside the program; rather, it stays with me in my day to day life, and I am almost certain it will stay with me long past my time at Dartmouth."

"Above all, Telling My Story has taught me the value of genuine interaction. Instead of putting people in neat and tidy boxes, as Dartmouth often does, Telling My Story has allowed me to view people with all the beauty, pain, and energy that is their humanity. It's scary and raw to really connect with people, especially those who superficially seem so different from oneself. However, it is also how we come together and no experience better teaches the art of collaboration than Telling My Story."
"This class has forever changed the way that I think about teaching, learning, and what aspects of my reality are open for questioning; it has helped me begin to imagine how to reformulate the hidden structures of the world that I am still learning to see."

"Ever since taking Telling Stories for Social Change, I have been trying to come to terms with the idea that visionary thinking and individual efforts, not sweeping legislative reform or national organizations, can be the most effective agents of change. By participating in the program, I learned that I, as one individual, can help 'to provide a system of safety and caring to marginalized and stigmatized people' by raising awareness about social inequalities and treating all with love and empathy (Mate 10)."
"I had a wonderful experience with the Telling Stories for Social Change class! I was able to leave my comfort zone at Dartmouth and engage with a wise group of women at Valley Vista. I learned a great deal from the women's stories regarding their experiences with drug addiction. By the end of the class, I had developed a thorough knowledge of the prison-industrial complex and the value of empathy in strengthening a community."  


South House Leadership

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