Be a part of Upstaging Stereotypes! 

A student-led performance that explores diverse experiences related to masculinity at Dartmouth and beyond.



The cast is open to all genders. Cast members are expected to attend several meetings/rehearsals to develop a script of the show which can include monologues, poetry, spoken word, songs, dance pieces, skits, multi-media elements, etc.


If you are interested, please attend the interest meeting THIS Friday 1/11, 3:30 pm at Collis 101. At this meeting, you can ask questions and get a taste for what the show is about, and you can decide from there whether you would like to participate.


If you are interested but cannot attend the meeting, please email [log in to unmask]



This performance, along with The Vagina Monologues and Voices, are all part V-February, Dartmouth's annual month-long campaign to promote gender equity and end gender-based violence. For more information and/or accommodations, email [log in to unmask].