As a part of this term’s workshop series, Hector Lopez ’12, a Sheba and Ujima alumn is returning to share some more of his light and whip us into shape!

Come through this weekend to dance with us at the Open Workshop from 12-2pm on Saturday, November 3rd. The workshop is opened to all levels of dancers from beginner to advanced. Don’t be scared, bring your heels (you can come even if you don’t have heels).

Wild Things Dance Workshops is performing at the Sheba Showcase! If you love Hector’s choreography and want to join us for rehearsals, come to the open rehearsal on Sunday, November 4th, 6-10pm. You don’t have to have any previous dance experience to join us for this performance piece!

For those who were already placed in the first half of the choreography, we will have a closed cleaning rehearsal on Saturday, November 3rd, 7-9pm.


Stayed tuned for the 3/3 Heels Workshop Series class with student choreographers Monik Walters ‘19 and Jovanay Carter ‘19 next week!

See you there!
Wild Things Dance Workshops
Fall 2018 Heels Workshop Series