This Shabbat, let's come together and support one another as well as the victims of the Pittsburgh shooting.

Services start at 6, dinner following services at 7. Both will be in the Roth Center (white building behind the Choates)

Tonight's Menu:

Carrot Ginger Soup
Pepper Jack Quiche
Banana Bread for dessert



Dartmouth College Hillel is our campus chapter of Hillel International: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.

Our Executive Board:
Julia Feinstein, Jaclyn Eagle, Sam Lefkofsky, Sarah Barnett, Becky Milner, Michael Bodek, Joseph Notis

Our Weekly Schedule:
Monday: Open meetings at 6 pm, with dinner and conversation*
Wednesday: Jews and Java--free coffee from 3:30-5 pm at the Dartmouth Bookstore
Thursday: Jew Croo for '22s at 6 pm*
Friday: Shabbat services at 6 pm, followed by dinner at 7 pm*

*Located in the Roth Center for Jewish Life (white building behind the Choates)