Be a part of Upstaging Stereotypes! 

A student-led performance that explores diverse experiences related to masculinity at Dartmouth and beyond.



The cast is open to all genders. Cast members are expected to attend several meetings/rehearsals to develop a script of the show which can include monologues, poetry, spoken word, songs, dance pieces, skits, multi-media elements, etc.


If you are interested, please attend the interest meeting at 11/14, 5pm at Baker 152. At this meeting, you can ask questions and get a taste for what the show is about, and you can decide from there whether you would like to participate.


If you are interested but cannot attend the first rehearsal, please email [log in to unmask]



This show is part of a larger set of the V-February programming along with Voices and The Vagina Monologues, which are all part of Dartmouth's annual month-long campaign to promote gender equity and end gender-based violence.