The Student Mindfulness Group is running a Meditation and Yoga retreat this Saturday, November 3rd.

The retreat will take place in Hinman Cabin (15 minutes from campus). We will spend a day in mostly silence, practicing yoga, meditation, and mindful meals. We will have several hours set aside for homework (although it should be noted that there is no power at the cabin). We will break silence for dinner and then have the rest of the evening to hang out and enjoy each others’ company (or do more homework)!

The retreat will be led by a yoga teacher and Masters of Divinity candidate at Harvard Divinity School who is pursuing Buddhist chaplaincy.

Retreat-ees will leave campus around 10 am the morning of the 3rd and get back to campus early morning May 4th.

The retreat is limited to 10 people. Please let us know if you want to participate by Thursday (Nov. 1st) at 8:00 pm. Email this account to confirm your attendance or to ask any questions!
