
Hope to see you all there!!

Panel in Spanish on Black Feminisms in Latin America and the Caribbean
Monday, Oct 22, 5:45-8pm
Caribbean food will be served

Wilder Laboratory, Room 115
17 Fayerweather Hill Road
Hanover, NH


Tito Mitjans Alayón is an Afro-Cuban trans masculine non binary feminist and queer scholar and activist. They obtained a Master in Interdisciplinary Studies of Cuban, Caribbean and Latin American History from the University of Havana, Cuba, and they are currently a PhD candidate in Mexico at the University of Arts and Sciences of Chiapas, in Intervention and Feminist Studies. Their areas of research include Black critical studies, Black feminism, Queer and Gender Studies and Caribbean History. Between 2009 to 2015, Tito worked as a Cuban History Professor in the Agrarian University of Havana. They have also taught Black feminismBlack queer Cuban feminist activism for the programs abroad of Sarah Lawrence College and Hampshire College in Havana from 2012 to 2017. In San Cristóbal de las Casas, they helped organize the Jornadas Lesbo-Trans-Feministas from June 28, to July 1, 2017. They have also given workshops about Black women, trans, non-binary and fat bodies and heteropatriarcal violence.
Natalia Ocoró Grajales is an activist, poet, scholar, curator and young black feminist born in the city of Cali, Colombia. She is holds an undergraduate degree from the Universidad del Valle and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology at the Ibero-American University in Mexico. Together with the Black feminist group “Otras negras... y feministas!” and “Mujeres diversas,” she has organized several circles of study, forums and conversations in Colombia to reflect on Black feminism and the particularities of impoverished Black women in postcolonial political contexts. She has also carried out actions of denunciation and mobilization with respect to the feminicidio or killing of women in ethnic groups as strategies of dispossession of urban and rural territories. She is part of the collective “Sentipensar afrodiaspórico” and of the group of academics and intellectuals in defense of the Colombian Pacific GAIDEPAC. Natalia has worked as a co-researcher in different research projects and was part of the coordination of the international forum on femicide and global accumulation held in Buenaventura, Colombia in 2016.


Bless Up,

DCC Exec