The hike advertised last night is now full and has a waitlist as long as the trip itself. Thank you everyone for all your interest and we'd love to see you on an adventure next time.

For now, please enjoy this old map of the region. Woah!

From: People of Color Outdoors
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 5:47:04 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Dear Dartmouth,

People of Color Outdoors is pleased to announce that you are invited to attend a hike up Mt. Cardigan this Friday. It will be led by Jae Hong '20 and we will be going from 3:30 to 7:30 PM, snacks included. Come see the beautiful Upper Valley one last time before it's blanketed in snow and get a view like this:

(jk this is actually the view from Holt's Ledge last week but I bet it'll be just as great)

If you're interested, contact POCO with your DASH number (100XXXXXX) number, cost is $2 a person.

See you outdoors!