Interested in creative writing, but not sure where to begin?

Having trouble with your plans for The Future?

Afraid to pursue poetry because "there's no money in it"?

Sounds like you should come to...

"Entering the Field"

A series in which accomplished writers share their experiences and speak on that daunting topic known familiarly as ~Getting Started~

This afternoon, join us for a discussion with Vievee Francis, author of Forest Primeval, among other collections of poetry, and professor of Creative Writing here at Dartmouth. Come for casual conversation and to hear Professor Francis's insights into the world of writing poetry, getting published, and life as a writer beyond college. 

We will be meeting for tea, donuts and cookies in the Wren Room of Sanborn Library from 4-5:30 TODAY. Bring all your burning questions – we hope to see you there!

-The Sanborn Circle