To the campus community,

Common Sense is a student-run publication that publishes anonymous Pro/Con pieces. We are a platform for the collision of ideas in the hope that contrasting viewpoints will inspire productive discourse. Here's our first issue<>, published this past spring. If what we do interests you and you might want to get involved, read on.

For our second issue, we are posing two questions:

1) Should the Hovey Murals be destroyed?

Context: Dartmouth recently established a committee to decide what to do with the controversial murals currently locked away underneath Foto.(

2) Should social media companies censor their platforms?

Context: Multiple social media companies have taken steps to ban conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from their platforms. (

Common Sense is really interested in hearing what you think about these topics. If you would like to write one of the columns responding to either (or both) of these questions, fill out this quick non-binding form<>.

We look forward to hearing from you.

- The Common Sense team