Please join CoFIRED and the Upper Valley Interfaith Project today at 3 at Howe Library (13th South St) for a letter writing event telling Senator Shaheen to not increase funds for DHS and ICE. Read further for more information:

Sen. Shaheen is on the Senate Appropriations Bill Committee and voted yes on a bill that complied with Trump’s request to increase ICE & DHS funds. The bill made it past the Appropriations Bill Committee, but it still has to go through the other houses to get fully approved. The deadline is coming up —Sept. 30, and we want to pressure her into not supporting this bill any further. She claims to be against Trump’s inhumane policies yet is okay with allocating multi-billion dollars to escalate mass deportations etc. Not a lot of people know about this, and she of course meant it to be that way, but we want to hold her accountable and let her know that her constituents are watching and that if she fails to comply, then people are going to work to get her voted out.

This is going to be a letter writing, email making, and phone calling event. We have this is a template:


Senate Appropriations Letter Template<><>

To ___________________, As a [credential yourself here- voter, person of faith, immigrant, teacher, etc.] I am writing to express my disappointment at your recent vote to increase funding for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on the Senate Approp...

I attached the flyer for the event as a PDF to this email.

This is additional info I received from the lead organizer in the Upper Valley Interfaith Project:

This is the bill

It passed the Senate Approps committee on 6/21. It still needs to pass the full House and full Senate and then go to conference (since the two bills are different) before it would go to the President for a signature. Because Ryan and McConnell want to wait until after the elections to vote on them, they would pass short-term spending measures instead, called continuing resolutions. But, President Trump has to sign those. So, he’s threatening to shut down the government (by not signing the continuing resolutions) if they don’t pass DHS appropriations bills before the deadline on Sept. 30th with money for the wall.So, anytime this month would be a great time to do a letter writing party to Shaheen.

Thank you,

Coalition for Immigration Reform and Equality at Dartmouth (CoFIRED)
"...Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."
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