Dear Steppers, Step enthusiasts, D-Step fans, Sophomores in need of PE credits, and all other excited 18X email readers:

If you feel like learning some rhythm,


Finding a cool summer group to hang with,


And being brave enough to step with Dartmouth one & only step team,



Tie on your stomping boots, (or just some gym shoes), wear some stretchy pants, and join us

TODAY Monday 6/25 from 4-5:00pm in the front of the BVAC!!

Just come as you are, and we'll get started.  NO AUDITION REQUIRED

See you soon!

My name is Jovanay Carter, and you’re watching Disney Channel!


Fine print: If the time above does not work for you and you want to step with us this summer, there will be another open rehearsal this Saturday from 2-4pm in Sarner. Just email me, Jovanay Carter, & tell me you’re interested and that you plan on coming.