Welcome to 18X: Summer on the Water

presented by Ledyard Canoe Club

Council TONIGHT, Monday 9 pm, Robo Basement, come sign up for beginner trips

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Why is water so great?

Well, a study by Michael Depledge and Matthew White in 2010 discusses that people prefer to be in places near water, whether that's the ocean, a lake, or the Connecticut River.

Why is Ledyard Canoe Club so interested in being on the water?

Canoeing and Kayaking are usually best when performed on water, and that's what we do! If you've ever been down to the Ledyard Clubhouse and rented a canoe or kayak, imagine going on a trip with friends and some soon-to-be friends in canoes and kayaks for free.

How do I factor into this "water agenda" Ledyard has?

Ledyard wants to spend as much time on the water as possible during this outrageously beautiful Summer and wants to have as many friends join as possible. So whether you've been kayaking and canoeing with Ledyard since your Freshman Fall, or you've been a Hartlands trip or canoeing on the Connecticut before, maybe your First-Year trip was paddling, all of us at Ledyard would love to see YOU this Summer.

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Ledyard Canoe Club's weekly council called "Ledyard Council" is happening at 9 pm Monday night (6/25) in Robo basement (that's the basement of Robinson Hall, the building right next to Collis).

The only thing you need to bring is your lovely self and a smile (and maybe even a friend who also wants to paddle this summer :]).

This is when we sign up for trips that we will be leading throughout the week, so come by if you want to sign up for  one.


❤ Cohaer, 

❤ ❤ Michael Schedin, Ledyard's Summeriest VP