Don’t miss the first Collis Farm Stand of sophomore summer today!
3-4:30pm @ Collis Cafe

A favorite sophomore summer tradition where you can use your DBA to shop at an awesome, locally sourced, and delicious farmstand set up in Collis Cafe every Friday!

On the menu: basil, swiss chard, lettuce, and maple syrup from the Dartmouth O-Farm;  lettuce, swiss chard, garlic scapes, tomatoes, bok choy, scallions, baby beets, and strawberries from Edgewater Farm; plus cured meats, eggs, yogurt, cheese, granola and more from all your favorite local producers!

Farm Stand is a not-to-be-missed Friday afternoon event!

Come for the strawberries, stay for the bok choy, swiss chard, scallions + fried egg stir fry you plan to make tomorrow night!