an intro to the Israeli-Palestinian  conflict


Does a blank stare come across your face whenever somebody mentions the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
Do you know a little bit about what’s going on over there, but still feel a little less-than-confident about the whole thing?
Do you know everything there is to know, but still just can’t get enough?

Whatever your answer, yes or no, come to this CIP event!

No experience/knowledge necessary!

WHEN: TODAY April 26th @ 6:30 PM
WHERE: Haldeman 031
WHAT: Good conversation, knowledge & FREE JEWEL

your cip board
Coalition for Israel-Palestine (CIP) is a forum for dialogue on peace and conflict in the Middle East, with an emphasis on the protracted hostilities between Palestinian and Israeli actors. CIP supports human rights, mutual self-determination, and an end to the Israeli Occupation and Palestinian political violence through a negotiated peace process. While CIP does not endorse a particular solution to the conflict, in providing a space for understanding and exploring potential diplomatic resolutions, CIP welcomes all perspectives and levels of expertise.